Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
SWANA Northern Lights 2011 Annual Conference
May 30 – June 1, 2011
Technical Sessions 1A
Moderated by: Steve Johnson, AECOM
- Paula Magdich, City of Calgary – ‘Progress towards 80 per cent waste diversion in Calgary’
- Dave Douglas, VisionQuest Environmental Strategies Corp – ‘Curbside Recycling – The blue bag collection program best management practices assessment’
Technical Session 1B
Moderated by: Al Lynch – North Shore Recycling Program, North Vancouver
- Ardith Lewis, Encana – ‘Refuse and recycling applications: The natural gas solution’
- Jeff Campbell, Cummins Westport Inc. – ‘Natural gas engines for refuse and recycling applications’
Technical Session 2A
Moderated by: Susan Harty, City of Regina
- Jamie Bakos, Titan Clean Energy Projects Corporation – ‘Using advanced technologies to recycle biomass solid waste’
- David Merredew, City of Calgary – ‘Leave it on the lawn: Grasscycling initiative’
- Dave Douglas, VisionQuest Environmental Strategies Corp. – ‘The importance of using BPI-approved compostable bags for source separated organics collection of kitchen waste’
Technical Session 2B
Moderated by: Jim Lapp, City of Edmonton
- Paresh Thanawala, City of Regina – ‘A review of landfill gas utilization options at the City of Regina’s landfill’
- Shannan McGarr & Paul Bulla, Comcor Environmental Limited – ‘Landfill gas collection challenges at an operating landfill’
- Kevin Hudson, City of Saskatoon – ‘Saskatoon’s green energy park – Achieving a diverse and environmentally sustainable energy system using local renewable energy supplies’
Technical Session 3A
Moderated by: Brenda Wallace, City of Saskatoon
- Lisa Skumatz, Skumatz Economic Research Associates – ‘Addressing recycling opposition: Tips from the bloodied trenches’
- Al Lynch, North Shore Recycling Program, Vancouver – ‘Are incentive programs a panacea?’
- Janine Ralph, Stantec & Beth Goodger, City of Hamilton – ‘Municipal contracting experiences: Best practices for successful contracts’
Technical Sessions 3B
Moderated by: Susan Harty, City of Regina
- Scott Ferguson, XCG Consultants Ltd – ‘Development and Operation methods to optimize landfill airspace and reduce environmental impacts’
- Deborah Mihial, City of Regina & Bill Wright, AECOM – ‘Design and construction of a new solid waste disposal cell for the City of Regina’
- Steve Johnson, AECOM – ‘Waste screening’
Technical Session 4
Moderated by: Colleen Yates, AECOM, Sponsored by The Groundworx Co.
- Bud Latta, City of Edmonton – ‘Edmonton update: How new technologies are being integrated into Edmonton’s existing advanced systems’
- Beth Goodger, City of Hamilton – ‘Change management and waste diversion’
- Curtis Berthelot, PSI Technologies Inc. & Duane Guenther, City of Saskatoon ‘Green Streets Initiative’
- Dave Schaaf, City of Lethbridge – ‘The evolution of waste management at the City of Lethbridge’
Northern Waste Issues Sessions
Moderated by: Sheri Praski, SWANA NLC. Sponsored by Cameco
- Janice Isberg, Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence & Jim Lapp, City of Edmonton – ‘Hazardous waste reduction in Nunavut’
Sponsored by Envirotec Services Incorporated - Laura Parenteau, Saskatoon Tribal Council, STC Health & Family Services Inc., & Chief Cachene, Yellow Quill First Nation Case Study: ‘Transitioning from a dump to full waste and recycling transfer stations’
- Jon Henderson, Cameco Corporation – ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Managing Waste in a Northern Industrial Setting’
- Angela Bidinosti, Sr. Environmental Specialist, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, MB Region – ‘Overview of First Nations Waste Management in Manitoba’