I graduated from SAIT with an honours diploma in Chemical Technology in 1975. I worked at and managed several laboratories and began my own environmental consulting firm in 1992. I worked for the Newell Regional Solid Waste Management Authority (NRSWMA) as part time contract manager since 1996 and was involved with the original landfill siting, design and then development in 1998-99. I was also responsible for locating, designing, constructing and the operations of 5 transfer stations. Until June 2011 I monitored the activities of contract operators operating the landfill and worked with engineers and contractors during design and construction of 8 additional cells and other infrastructure. Since June 2011 the NRSWMA has been operating the Newell Regional Landfill. At that time I arranged purchase of equipment, hiring of staff and I have been manager of staff and overall site operations to the present. I am also a Director for the Newell Recycling Association, for Alberta Care and for the Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association. I am also a Provincially certified Landfill Operator. As well as taking multiple environmental courses and attending waste management and recycling conferences my direct waste management related training has included:
– Environmental Services Association of Alberta Evaluation & Design of Waste Disposal Facilities 1996
– SWANA MOLO 1998- SWANA Training Sanitary Landfill Operating Personnel On-Site Training Course 2001
– SWANA Alberta Landfill Operator Training Course 2001
– SWANA Alberta Transfer Station Operator Training Course 2001
– SWANA Transfer Station Operator Course 2009
– Environmental Services Association of Alberta Waste Classification & Disposal in Alberta 2011
– SWANA Landfill Operator Training Course and Alberta Landfill Operator Certification Exam 2011
– Edmonton Waste Management Centre of Excellence Household Hazardous Waste Course 2013
Outside my own staff I have not been an instructor and I hope I would be up to the challenge (I knowit takes more than certificates to manage waste and to train people).